Tuesday, August 25, 2020
everything Essay Example
everything Essay Example everything Essay everything Essay Consume the other, they should plant discovered Regions other stretch, the machine ought to do. Child! recollect this word The dad, the mother, the instructor must not overlook Here close to you close to him There should press granulating on metal - Eat recall who planted trees Name desire recall him when old. .Com shirt parent letters educators To work that day finished on - O mainland lowered not hold up under words the instructor - From the priest, the sell themselves priest. - Thin a plaited father, dainty three plaited instructor 1. HQC th?â ¤y kh?â ¶ng t?â ¤y hoc ben: We learn not at school yet throughout everyday life. 2. Kh?â ¶ng th?â ¤y d?â ¶ may l?â ¤m n?â ©n: Nothing can prevail without the assistance of the instructor. 3. ?†¦n qu nhd k?â © tr?â ¶ng cay: When eating bamboo grows ,recollect the man who planted them 4. U?â€ng nurdc nhd ngu?â ¶n: When drinking water, recall its source 10. C?â ¶ chi thi nen. Where there is a will, there is a way. 11. M?â ©o m?â ¶ c?â ¶ hon kh?â ¶ng. A large portion of a portion is superior to no bread. 12. B?â ¤ nh?â ¤n b?â ¤ tinh. Such huge numbers of heads, such a significant number of psyches. 13. Bt c?â ¤ hai tay. To run with the bunny and hold with the dog. 14. Th con s?â ¤n st, bt con c?â ¤ r?â ¶. To toss out a sprat to get a mackere. 15. CLrdi ngcrdi h?â ¶m trurdc, h?â ¶m sau ngurdi curd. He chuckles best who giggles last. 16. Udc ao l?â ¤m sao, ca chi?â ©m bao l?â ¤ v?â ¶y. The desire is father to the idea. 17. Cha n?â ¤o con n?â ¤y. Like dad, similar to child. 18. NLrdc duc th c?â ¤u. They fish in pained waters. 19. Hoa v?â ¶don chi. It never rains yet it pours. 20. Giot m?â ¤u d?â ¤o hon ao nurdc l?â ¤. Blood is thicker than water. 21 . Ch?â ©t vinh c?â ¶n hon s?â ¶ng nhvc Preferable a great demise over a dishonorable life 22. L?â ¤y thng p voi To place a quart into a 16 ounces pot 23. Treo cao ng?â ¤ dau Pride will have a fall 24. Thtra s?â ¶ng thi?â ©u ch?â ©t More passing than alive 25. NLrdc dd d?â ¤u vit (Like) Water off a ducks back 26. Dd th?â ©m d?â ¤u v?â ¤o Idra Pour oil on the blazes 27. N?â ¶i c?â ¶ sach mach c?â ¶ ch(rng To talk by the book 28. Tai anh tai , tai c d?â ¶i b?â ©n It takes two to accomplish something 29. Thao b?â ¤t tuyet A surge of words 30. Xa met c?â ¤ch l?â ¶ng outside of anyone's ability to see, out of brain 31 . As simple as ABC D?â © nhLrtrd b?â ¤n 32. As hot as fire N?â ¶ng nhLr Idra 33. As hot as pepper Cay nhLr dt 34. As dark as coal Den nhLr murc 35. As white as snow Trng nhLr tuy?â ©t 36. As cold as ice Lanh nhLrti? ©n 37. As dull as midningt T?â ¶i nhLr d?â ©m ba muroi 38. As substantial as lead drove/N?â ¶ng nhLrd? ¤ deo 39. As speedy as lighting Nhanh nhLr ch?â ¶p 40. As brilliant as day S?â ¤ng nhLr gurong 41. As acrid as vinegar Chua nhLr gi?â ¤m 42. As hard as rock C(rng nhLr d?â ¤ 43. As delayed as a turtle Ch?â ¤m nhLr ra 44. As cheerful as a cricket nhLrt? ©t vut 45. As idiotic as a bull Ngu nhLr b?â ¶ 46. As fat as pig Map nhLr heo 47. As rich as a Jew Gi?â ¤u nhLr Thech Sng 48. As underhanded as a bear H?â ¶n nhLr g?â ¤u 49. As lethargic as a lizand LLrdi nhLr hiji 50. As sufficiently as a log (Ng) state nhLr ch?â ©t 56. Study, concentrate more, concentrate until the end of time. Hoc, hoc nCra, hoc m?â ¤i. 57. A fleece vender knows a fleece purchaser. Suy bvngta ra bung ngurdi. 58. ?†¦n nhLr m kho?â ©t. Pack in the food. 59. Sell like hot cakes. Dt nhLrt? ¶m turoi. 60. You can't eat your cake and have it. Duroc c?â ¤i no m?â ¤t c?â ¤i kia. 61. To single out. K?â ©n c?â ¤ chon canh.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Trademark registration related to business law of Qatar Research Paper
Trademark enrollment identified with business law of Qatar - Research Paper Example There have been cases on the planet beforehand where one organization flourishes out of theft by getting a charge out of the altruism of another organization. This is a criminal offense in the business world today. Trademark law was created to counter this offense. Trademark law is a lot of rules created by nations, exchange squares or worldwide bodies that ensure trademarks inside their locales consequently killing uncalled for rivalry. The administration mark is not quite the same as a trademark in that a trademark serves to ensure items while administration mark serves to secure administrations. As indicated by the Oxford business gathering, The Qatar government has a trademark law set up that was set up in the year 2002.â This law expresses that trademarks are secured in the country of Qatar according to law number 9 of 2002, known as the Trademarks Law. This term is viable from the date of enlistment and is thereafter recharged after at regular intervals. Right now, applicatio ns for patent assurance enrollment administration censing are made to the Gulf company gathering patent office, which does the enlistment of licenses all through the Gulf organization committee part states; since Qatar doesn't yet have a patent enlistment arrangement of its own. On account of an encroachment of a person’s protected innovation rights, the individual in question can record a grumbling with the trademarks office and now and again, the issue might be accounted for to the police. An application will be turned down on the off chance that it isn't one of a kind, or it just portrays the item or administration it is speaking to.
Friday, July 31, 2020
The Difference Between Divorce and Annulment
The Difference Between Divorce and Annulment Relationships Spouses & Partners Marital Problems Print The Difference Between a Divorce and an Annulment By Sheri Stritof Sheri Stritof has written about marriage and relationships for 20 years. Shes the co-author of The Everything Great Marriage Book. Learn about our editorial policy Sheri Stritof Updated on February 05, 2020 People Images / Getty Images More in Relationships Spouses & Partners Marital Problems LGBTQ Violence and Abuse There are two options for legally leaving a marriage: divorce and annulment, and there are several similarities and differences between the two. Legally, some of the biggest differences include the type of evidence that is required to obtain an annulment vs. a divorce and the obligations to and from the former spouse with each ruling. Many religions define divorce and annulment as well, and the legal ruling does not necessarily have to align with the religious designation. Definitions of Divorce and Annulment The biggest difference between a divorce and an annulment is that a divorce ends a legally valid marriage, while an annulment formally declares a marriage to have been legally invalid. Divorce: A legal dissolving, termination, and ending of a legally valid marriage. A divorce ends a legal marriage and declares the spouses to be single again. Annulment: A legal ruling that erases a marriage by declaring the marriage null and void and that the union was never legally valid. However, even if the marriage is erased, the marriage records remain on file. Note that a religious annulment is not a legal dissolution of a civil marriage. Reasons for Divorce vs. Annulment There are different reasons for pursuing a divorce versus an annulment. At the core, ending a marriage is generally because one or both spouses want to leave the union. A divorce, which is much more common, is sought when the parties acknowledge that the marriage existed. An annulment is sought when one or both of the spouses believe that there was something legally invalid about the marriage in the first place. Divorce: Depending on state laws, there may be evidence required in order for a court to grant a divorce. No-fault divorces, in which both parties agree to end the marriage, are becoming common. The divorcing couple may still have disputes about property, finances, child custody, and more that must be settled through court orders. Annulment: An annulment ends a marriage that at least one of the parties believes should never have taken place. If the marriage took place despite unknown facts, such as a secret child, or even a secret illness, it may be voidable. An annulment can also end a marriage if the marriage was not legal to begin with. This might occur if issues such as bigamy or incest made the marriage illegal. There are a number of legal grounds for obtaining an annulment, including: One or both spouses were forced or tricked into the marriage.One or both spouses were not able to make a decision to marry due to a mental disability, drugs, or alcohol.One or both spouses were already married at the time of the marriage (bigamy).One or both spouses were not of legal age to marry.The marriage was incestuous.One or both spouses is impotent (unable to function sexually) at the time of marriage.One of both spouses lied, concealed or misrepresented something such as unwillingness to have children, already having children, legal problems, or criminal problems. Because one of these conditions must be met for an annulment to be granted, they are rare. Length of the Marriage Often, people assume that a very brief marriage can be ended with an annulment due to the short duration. However, legal experts disagree. While many states will not grant an annulment after a certain length of time, there is not an automatic annulment granted to end a marriage because the couple wants to end it after a short period of time. The marriage still has to meet one or more of the conditions above in order for it to be annulled. Legal Assistance Both types of marriage dissolution can be fairly complicated from a legal standpoint, requiring costly and lengthy legal proceedings. And both start the same way, with one or both of the spouses formally asking the court for either a divorce or an annulment. Either a divorce or an annulment can also be simple and low-cost if both parties agree to end the union without too many disputes or disagreements about how to do so. After a Divorce or Annulment Among the differences between the two types of marriage dissolution: After an annulment, the marriage is considered to have never legally happened. It is as if the clock is turned back to before the marriage. After a divorce, the former spouses may still have obligations to each other, such as spousal support, joint childrearing, and division of shared property. Finances After Divorce vs. Annulment After a divorce, spouses are often entitled to a certain number of years of spousal support, alimony, or a portion of each others profits or property gained during the marriage. With an annulment, in contrast, the parties are not really considered to have been valid spouses and are not entitled to these same rights. Instead, they will revert to the financial state they were in prior to the marriage. Religious Rules Many religions have guidelines regarding divorce and annulment. Often, permission is granted by religious clergy or by written guidelines. Obtaining permission to have an annulment or a divorce from your religious leaders is usually a completely separate process from the legal process. The rules regarding divorce and annulment in your religion often determine whether one, both or neither of the partners has permission to marry again within the religion or in a religious ceremony or to participate in religious rituals. A court of law may consider your religious marital status but does not have to recognize the religious determinations when making rulings about spousal support, property disputes, or any other legal issues. Differences Between Annulments and Divorces Annulment Divorce State-required length of time before filing Immediately allowed May vary up to 1-2 years, depending on the state Marriage existed No Yes Children considered legitimate Yes Yes Division of property No Yes Alimony No Possible Difficulty of legal qualification High Usually low Grounds-specific Yes No (if the state allows no-fault divorces) Marital status result Single or unmarried Divorced Witness and proof required Yes No (for no-fault divorces) LEGAL DISCLAIMER: This text should not be regarded as legal advice. Consult an attorney familiar with marriage and family law and your own personal circumstances for legal advice regarding civil annulments.
Friday, May 22, 2020
The Most Dangerous Game And Porphyrias Lover Analysis
While some stories are nice and happy â€Å"The Most Dangerous Game†and â€Å"Porphyria’s Lover†are not like that. They are about murder. The characters think what they are doing is for everyones well being and that this is normal, but really as the reader we can see that in no way is that normal. The authors use obsession to show man vs. man, man vs. nature and man vs. society. Browning and Connell use conflict to convey that trusting someone may lead to a negative outcome, that can show ones true intentions. The authors use man vs. man to show obsession. In the most dangerous game Rainsford and General Zaroff are in a hunt. Ransford is the game and the general is the hunter. This is a man vs. man conflict because two people are against each†¦show more content†¦Rainsfords’ surroundings are harsh and it is hard for him to overcome his obstacles and win again General Zaroff. â€Å"Dusk came, then darkness, and still he pressed on. The ground grew softer under his moccasins; the vegetation grew ranker, denser; insects bit him savagely.†This is showing how hard it was for Whitney to get through this jungle that General Zaroff has put on his Island. For Porphyria’s lover he has to attempt to get to her while she is alone and with out beget through to be with her. â€Å"The rain set early in tonight, The sullen wind was soon awake,... She shut the cold out and the stom,†This shows that through the setting we can see that they’re relationship is har d. It is not easy for them to be together. In the stories, the authors use man vs. society to show what conflicts there are in the world that keep people from doing what they want good or bad. In The Most Dangerous Game, Rainsford knows of the island he is about to be trapped on. He knows that you don’t want to be on it. Once he reaches the island he starts to think it’s not too bad, then he finds that The General is hunting humans. The General thinks this is totally ok and is upset with society for not accepting him. â€Å"‘Hunting? General Zaroff, what you speak of is murder.’ The general laughed with entire good nature. He regarded Rainsford quizzically. ‘I refuse to believe that so modern and civilized a young man as you seem to be harbors
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Love, Hate, and Temptation - 1560 Words
Love, Hate, and Temptation In March 2013, Tyler Perry released Temptation: Confessions of A Marriage Counselor. This is Perry’s 15th movie, which he both wrote and directed. This film, like all of Perry-made movie, gratifies values of the African-American church-going audience. Perry grew up in New Orleans, La. Perry’s childhood was full of hard times, but was soothed by church attendance with his mother. His father, Emmitt Perry Sr. was a carpenter. The family makeup included Perry senior’s wife, Maxine, two daughters, and two sons, one named Emmitt Tyler Perry Jr. As a young boy, Emmitt Jr. witnessed an abusive father who continually beat his mother, his brother and his sisters, and also Emmitt Jr. Family drama was something constant in young Emmitt Jr.’s life. Growing up in poverty only added to the family’s hardships. Eventually the physical abuse from Emmitt Sr. became so tragically violent that Emmitt Jr. considered killing his father and even considered killing hims elf. Deciding that he could no longer take the abuse of his father on his family, Emmitt Jr. left home. The domestic violence that occurred in his youth made him severely depressed as a teenager. As an adult, Perry watched The Oprah Winfrey Show and in a recent interview, said he remembered watching an episode discussing the therapeutic nature of writing. That inspired him to begin writing, and he worked through his bad experiences by writing letters to himself. He adapted his letters into a play, IShow MoreRelated The Temptations. Essay550 Words  | 3 Pagesnostalgic trance from the lyrics. The type of lyrics that can convey the reader into the past, present, or future time. The Temptations has mastered this talent. From their time to the present day, the Temptation’s music can still be looked upon in the 21st Century culture. They became soul writers and masters of touching inner emotions that listeners held. The Temptations were a group of individuals that represented their culture in time. The smooth lead vocalist to, to the brawny brick toned baritoneRead MoreFood For Thought, By Franz Kafka854 Words  | 4 Pagesthe same meaning anymore and lose their value. It is also a symbol of motherly love. His sister has now taken on the role of caretaker for him and in essence become his mother. The next time that food plays a part in the story is in the scene where Gregor’s sister, Grete, having found that he has left the milk untouched, brings him several different kinds of food for him to try to eat(469). This is a pure symbol of love that Grete has for her brother, despite the fact that he has changed and is nowRead MoreThe Friday Sermon On Salvation1473 Words  | 6 Pagessignificance of salvation. As a result, most Christians like the ones in Quebec refuse to know the word of God and openly show hatred towards God and Christian religion. Why do they hate Christianity? Because they think that God predestined everything including the evil- that is why they hate God. But most of all they hate God because they live their life governed by their own sinful desire and they encourage others also to continue living in their sinful desire. The Bible says, for although they knewRead MoreThe Metamorphosis By Franz Kafka870 Words  | 4 Pagesthe same meaning anymore and lose their value. It is also a symbol of motherly love. His sister has now taken on the role of caretaker for him and in essence become his mother. The next time that food plays a part in the story is in the scene where Gregor’s sister, Grete, having found that he has left the milk untouched, brings him several different kinds of food for him to try to eat(469). This is a pure symbol of love that Grete has for her brother, despite the fact that he has changed and is nowRead MoreRacial Tension Between Black And White Americans1063 Words  | 5 Pagesinstead of reacting from a place of an ger and hate, that the nephew should fight and strive to change the situation rather than confronting it violently. That his nephew and even the community as a whole should try to almost outsmart the whites by being the opposite of what they think of them. To prove them wrong and hopefully change the way they are looked at. He suggests a change of attitudes on both sides, to spread love and understanding instead of hate and animosity. Baldwin grew up on the streetsRead MoreBeat Depression : Discern Good From Evil And Choose Good1134 Words  | 5 PagesJohnson God is light, and there is no darkness in Him at all. -1 John 1:5 Change Your Mind, Transform Your Life Winning the battle isn t always easy, but renewing our minds is simple. I made a choice not to agree with lies and eventually the temptation to believe in depression stopped. I had to fight, sometimes VIOLENTLY, to remember who God is, that He is light, that He is good, that He encourages and comforts and provides. And when I know who God is I can also identify His enemy, evil, and turnRead More Tennysons Merlin and Vivien Essay1646 Words  | 7 Pagesagony wherever she goes. Being the agent of death itself- born from death was I/ Among the dead and sown upon the wind (ll. 44-45), she malevolently destroys hope and innocent love. Similarly, she is viewed as the cause of Merlins destruction (Kincaid 183). Love if love be perfect/ casts out fear./So hate, if hate be perfect/ casts out fear (ll. 140-41) Thus she is described as the element of pure hatred and deceit and can be paralleled to Delilah and Eve (Hellstrom 117). Some criticsRead MoreThe Gospel Of Matthew s Gospel1025 Words  | 5 Pagesof Jesus on earth, this was one of the people’s most significant verse. Greeks also believed in something similar called universal love. Since the bible was originally written in Greek, the direct meaning is written in Greek. Although, the word ‘love’ is more restricted in Greek. Scrutinizing the scripture in it’s original language, the word ‘love’ does not include love for a family member, lust, or deep affection. Literary context Loving your enemies is the 44th line of the chapter in Matthew. ThisRead MoreAnalysis Of Nathaniel Hawthorne s Young Goodman Brown 1471 Words  | 6 Pagesminister and Deacon Gookin riding into the woods. Goodman Brown exclaims, â€Å"‘With Heaven above, and Faith below, I will yet stand firm against the devil’†(174). Goodman Brown thinks that his faith is strong but will soon find out that there are many temptations in which he may give in to. The characters in Young Goodman Brown are what makes Goodman Brown start to question his faith that he thought was so strong. When Goodman Brown is late to his meeting in the woods, he give the dark figure the excuseRead MorePersuasive Essay About Drinking1055 Words  | 5 PagesDear Uncle David, I really wish you would stop drinking all the time. I hate to see you throwing up every day. Seeing you drained of energy is frightening. You used to have a smile on your face every time you saw me, now I hardly ever see you smiling and laughing because youre always sick. I don’t understand why you keep drinking since you are always in and out the hospital. You were such an enthusiastic, funny, dramatic, fun person that people need in their life. Your smile lit up the room and
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Membership in the field of counseling Free Essays
The discipline of mental health has had a long history of challenges and controversies. In the past decade we have seen an active progress in the way mental health professionals have been recognized and clearly identified as a separate discipline from psychiatry or clinical counseling. Moreover, legislations to promote the welfare of mental health counselors have been lobbied for as well as setting up standards for education, training, certification and practice of the profession. We will write a custom essay sample on Membership in the field of counseling or any similar topic only for you Order Now One of the most active proponent for the professionalizing of the mental health discipline is the American Mental Health Counselors Association, the organization have enabled the setting up of a professional organization exclusively for mental health counselors, the setting up of a national certification program for mental health counselors, the accreditation of educational institutions that provide training in mental health education and the setting up of a national system of state licensure (Messina, 1999). The AMHCA have become the primary voice of all mental health professionals in the country and it continues to work for the betterment of the profession and to protect those who are engaged in the counseling profession. As a mental health student, I realized that it is important to join professional organizations not just for certification or to meet licensing requirements. I believe that professional organizations are like the federal government that oversees the conduct of the profession and sets ethical guidelines and standards of practice much in the same way that the government upholds the constitution. Becoming a member of a professional organization would give me a clear direction of what my professional responsibilities are and what limitations I need to be aware of, it would also help me delineate the services that I can offer to my clients given the kind of training and education that I have. It also would keep me abreast of the recent developments in the mental health discipline; it provides trainings and workshops, research funding and a stable support group for the mental health counselor. One of the objectives of the AMHCA (2004) is to work with educational institutions that provide mental health counselor training and to make sure that the curriculum is aligned with the core competencies and skills that a mental health counselor should have even before seeking professional recognition. This is important because it would ensure the standardization of the counselor education and thus makes it possible that all mental health counselors are equipped with the necessary skills to give quality services to their clients. According to Messina (1999), only a small proportion of educational institutions have been accredited by the organization, in the long run this would mean that few mental health graduates would be qualified to become mental health counselors as required by AMHCA. If fewer counselors seek to be accredited or certified, then the professional integrity of the practitioners will deteriorate. This is an important issue to look into since the kind of services and the quality of the client-counselor relationship is dependent on how well-trained and equipped the counselors are to meet the needs of the client. We all know that the efficacy of the counselor in helping the client resolve his/her issues is dependent on the counseling plan that counselor draws up for the client. It takes a certain degree of skill and theoretical knowledge to be able to deal with different clients and it is the responsibility of the counselor to always uphold what is best for the client. It is therefore important to come up with a legislation that would require all educational institutions to seek accreditation from the AMHCA (2004) to further the mental health profession. References American Mental Health Counselors Association found at http://www.amhca.org/ Messina, J. (1999). What’s next for the profession of mental health counseling? Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 21; 3, 285. Retrieved on October 17, 2007 from Academic Premier Search database.  How to cite Membership in the field of counseling, Essay examples
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
The History of Interqual free essay sample
The history of InterQual continues to be written, but what it has achieved in 30 years is remarkable. Thousands of people in hospitals, health plans and government agencies use InterQual evidence-based clinical decision support criteria daily to help answer critical questions about the appropriateness of levels of care and resource use. The criteria have helped define and legitimize the disciplines of utilization and care management, giving medical directors and other hospital and health-plan professionals support in making the type of objective, evidence-based decisions that define top-quality, efficient care and open the door to greater transparency and collaboration between payors and providers. The Health Care Financing Administration (now the Centers for Medicare Medicaid Services) licenses InterQual Criteria for use in reviewing Medicare hospital inpatient services. Guidelines for EKG †¢ One baseline EKG required at the first office visit {First try to get it from previous PCP} †¢ Second EKG required according to pt’s symptoms, e. We will write a custom essay sample on The History of Interqual or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page g. syncope, palpitations, chest pain, shortness of breath or as per MD’s clinical judgment Guidelines for Echocardiogram †¢ New onset of afibrillation/atrial flutter †¢ New EKG abnormality { Always compare with old EKG} †¢ Arrhythmias †¢ New murmur by physical exam LV function assessmentâ€â€h/o CABG, h/o CHF, New CHF by physical exam, acute MI, old MI, periodic assessment of EF lt; 40%, pt on chemo with cardio toxic agents †¢ Before sending pt to Cardiology †¢ Suspected valvular endocarditis †¢ Prosthetic valve assessment †¢ Valvular heart disease.
Friday, March 20, 2020
Marlee Matlin Biography for Asl Essay Essays
Marlee Matlin Biography for Asl Essay Essays Marlee Matlin Biography for Asl Essay Paper Marlee Matlin Biography for Asl Essay Paper Marlee Matlin is an Academy Award winning American Actress and writer. She has been deaf since she was 18 months old. she is besides a outstanding member of the Deaf community and supports the usage of mark linguistic communication. closed captioning. and is an active member of the National Association of the Deaf. Marlee Beth Matlin was born on August 24. 1965. in Morton Grove. Illinois. Her female parent. Libby. was a jewellery gross revenues adult female and her male parent. Donald. operated a used auto franchise. Marlee is the youngest of three kids and is the lone member of her household who is Deaf. She is of Russian Jewish decent and was able to hold her Bat Mitzvah by larning Hebrew phonetically. As Matlin recounts in her autobiography. I’ll Scream Later. turning up. her parents expressed a concern that her hearing loss would be an indissoluble barrier in a hearing universe. But alternatively of agonising over this. her parents faced it caput on and embraced it. They sent Matlin to schools where she learned to both speak and mark. and encouraged her to do friends in the vicinity. With strong support from her household. Marlee’s childhood universe was limitless. Matlin made her phase introduction at the age of 7. as Dorothy in the ICODA ( International Center for Deafness and the Humanistic disciplines ) version of The Wizard of Oz. Matlin maintained a passion for moving throughout her childhood and while gaining her grade in Criminal Justice at Harper College. At the age of 20. during a public presentation in the Midwest. Matlin caught the oculus of American histrion. manager. and manufacturer Henry Winkler and was cast for the lead function in Children of a Lesser God ( 1986 ) . This movie brought her a Golden Globe Award for Best Actress in Drama and an Academy Award for Best Actress. doing her both the youngest and the lone deaf actress to win the Academy Award for Best Actress in a Leading Function. She learned of her Oscar nomination while having intervention for a substance maltreatment job while in an opprobrious relationship. Matlin viewed this recognition as an chance to turn her life about and to switch her focal point onto her dr eam of moving. Since her Academy Award. Matlin has played a assortment of obliging functions and has since earned multiple Emmy Award nominations. She has appeared in the independent movie â€Å"What the Bleep Do You Know? †and has happening functions in hit telecasting series The L Word. The West Wing. Dancing with the Stars. and Switched at Birth. On the telecasting set of Reasonable Doubts. Marlee met her hubby. policeman Kevin Grandalski. She and her hubby have 4 kids: Sarah. 15. Brandon. 11. Tyler. 9. and Isabelle. 8. After the birth of her kids. Matlin branched out into a new way. carry throughing a longtime dream of composing a children’s book and stating the universe what it’s like being Deaf. In 2002. she published her immature grownup fresh Deaf Child Crossing. In 2009. she published her autobiography I’ll Scream Later. Marlee is frequently credited for presenting 1000000s of viewing audiences and readers to subscribe linguistic communication and issues affecting the Deaf community. Outside of moving and composing. Matlin is a strong protagonist of the Deaf Community. Matlin is peculiarly influencial because she has worked straight with policymakers. She was instrumental in estabilishing congressional legistlation that all telecasting sets manufactured in the USA be equipped with Closed Caption engineering. She besides serves on the boards of a figure of charitable organisations and is a outstanding member of the National Association of the Deaf. While turn toing favoritism and barriers during an interview with About. Marlee stated: â€Å"I expression at these state of affairss non as challenges. but as chances to demo how proud I am of my rich civilization - deaf civilization. Actually. I like the new manner of looking at Deaf civilization. It’s called Deafhood. It’s the thought that hearing loss has a positive value instead than as something that needs to be cured or is disputing. It’s all about doing noise and standing up for who we are. Being deaf agencies being anything but silent. On the reverse. when one accepts deaf people of all sorts and linguistic communication penchants as their civilization. one realizes that silence is the last thing one will of all time hear from them. †And Marlee Matlin. you are heard.
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
13 estados con licencias de manejar para indocumentados
13 estados con licencias de manejar para indocumentados En la actualidad, los siguientes estados permiten sacar la licencia de manejar a los migrantes indocumentados: California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Nevada, Nuevo Mà ©xico, Utah,Vermont y Washington. A ellos se sumà ³ el estado de Nueva York al aprobar la ley Green Light Bill en junio de 2019. Adems, tambià ©n es posible en Washington D.C., la capital de Estados Unidos. Cabe destacar que ni Texas ni Nueva York, el segundo y el tercer estado con ms poblacià ³n migrante, permite sacar la licencia de manejar a indocumentados. Texas, adems, es un estado con legislacià ³n problemtica para la poblacià ³n sin papeles. Es importante conocer los requisitos mà nimos que se piden en cada estado, ya que son distintos y quà © quiere decir que no se puede utilizar como identificacià ³n o para usos federales. Adems, es conveniente saber su relacià ³n con otras formas de identificacià ³n, como matrà cula consular y I.D. emitidos por algunas ciudades. 13 estados que permiten sacar la licencia de manejar a indocumentados y sus requisitos bsicos Por orden alfabà ©tico, son los siguientes: California. En aplicacià ³n de la ley AB60 ese estado permite sacar la licencia de manejar a los indocumentados que puedan probar residencia en California. El permiso, que no puede ser utilizado como forma de identificacià ³n, tiene una marca que lo diferencia de las licencias emitidas a las personas que pueden probar que tienen estados migratorio legal en Estados Unidos. Colorado. En virtud de la ley SB 13-251, los migrantes indocumentados pueden solicitar el permiso de manejar. Para ello deben probar residencia en ese estado admitià ©ndose diferentes posibilidades. Por ejemplo, haber pagado income tax el aà ±o anterior, tener un nà ºmero de identificacià ³n fiscal conocido como ITIN y probar residencia por dos aà ±os con otros medios, etc. Connecticut. La ley HB 6495 autorizà ³ que los migrantes indocumentados puedan obtener la licencia de manejar en ese estado si pueden probar residencia en el mismo y nunca han sido condenados por un delito. Este permiso no puede utilizarse como identificacià ³n. Delaware. La ley SB 59 de ese estado autoriza a los indocumentados a obtener la licencia de manejar si prueban su residencia en ese estado mediante la planilla de pago de impuestos o porque han sido declarados como dependientes en las planillas de algà ºn residente. Tampoco vale como forma de identificacià ³n. Hawaii. La ley H 1007 autoriza la licencia para los indocumentados que puedan probar residencia en el archipià ©lago. Illinois. Por aplicacià ³n de la ley SB 0957, los migrantes indocumentados con ms de un aà ±o de residencia en el estado pueden sacar la licencia de manejar, que est marcada con una nota que hace referencia a su carcter de  ¨visitante temporal ¨. Adems, es necesario presentar el pasaporte o la matrà cula consular para probar la identidad. Este permiso de manejar de Illinois es vlido por tres aà ±os. Maryland. La ley SB 715 autoriza la licencia de manejar para indocumentados que pagan impuestos en ese estado o son declarados como dependientes en las planillas de impuestos de un residente. Los permisos de este estado para indocumentados tienen un diseà ±o distinto a las regulares y, adems de no poder ser utilizadas como identificacià ³n, se seà ±ala expresamente que no pueden ser utilizadas para comprar armas. Nevada. Este estado autorizà ³ las licencias de manejar para indocumentados con la ley SB 303. El permiso es ligeramente diferente al regular y no puede ser utilizado como identificacià ³n. Nueva York. Este estado aprobà ³ la ley Green Light Bill el 17 de junio de 2019 autorizando manejar a los indocumentados manejar en ese estado. La ley entrar en vigor a los 180 dà as y se estima que las primeras licencias podrn solicitarse en diciembre de ese aà ±o. Nuevo Mà ©xico. Este estado tiene una de las leyes ms antiguas que permiten obtener la licencia de manejar a indocumentados: la ley HB 173 del aà ±o 2003. Se ha intentado modificar para restringirla o incluso anular en varias ocasiones. Utah. La ley SB 227 permite las licencias de manejar para indocumentados vlidas por un aà ±o. Estos permisos son diferentes a los regulares y contienen la frase de que à ºnicamente son vlidas para manejar. Vermont. En aplicacià ³n de la ley S 38, los migrantes indocumentados en ese estado pueden obtener una tarjeta que brinda el privilegio de manejar. Es necesario probar la identidad y residencia en ese estado. Washington. Este es el estado con la ley ms antigua en vigor autorizando a los indocumentados para sacar la licencia de manejar ya que la HB 1444 entrà ³ en aplicacià ³n en 1993. Adems, es un estado que aunque tambià ©n exige residir dentro de su territorio, admite muchos documentos como prueba. Por ejemplo, pago de impuestos, factura de una utility, pago de matrà cula de universidad o transcripts de escuela, certificados de nacimiento de un hijo en ese estado o de matrimonio, etc. Y, por à ºltimo, la capital de los Estados Unidos, Washington D.C. tambià ©n permite, en aplicacià ³n de la ley B 20-275, la licencia de manejar para indocumentados. En este caso, es necesario probar residencia en la ciudad por ms de seis meses. La licencia, que es vlida por 8 aà ±os, no sirve como identificacià ³n.  ¿Para quà © sirve la licencia de manejar para indocumentados? En principio, su funcià ³n es autorizar para manejar y para comprar un seguro de auto. La mayorà a las licencias estatales para indocumentados contienen una marca o una frase que las hace diferente a las regulares. Esto significa que no pueden ser utilizadas como identificacià ³n para asuntos federales o en edificios federales, como los de Inmigracià ³n, prisiones federales, bases militares, etc. Adems, no se puede embarcar a un avià ³n mostrando documentos que no cumplan con los requisitos de la ley conocida como Real ID Act. Esto quiere decir que solamente se podrn utilizar como documentos para mostrar la identidad aquellas licencias de manejar que, para obtenerlas, hubiera sido necesario probar presencia legal en los Estados Unidos. Otras formas de identificacià ³n Ni la matrà cula consular ni los I.D. que emiten algunas ciudades como por ejemplo Nueva York, New Haven o San Francisco, pueden utilizarse para manejar legalmente o comprar seguro de auto. En cuanto a las licencias internacionales de manejar, à ©stas cumplen su funcià ³n, pero en ningà ºn caso sirven para sustituir la licencia de un estado y a pesar de lo que se dice, no son formas vlidas para manejar para los indocumentados. De interà ©s para migrantes indocumentados Salvo por orden judicial, los indocumentados no estn obligados a presentar a ninguna autoridad documentos que sirvan para establecer o probar su presencia irregular en los Estados Unidos. Para estar protegidos es importante conocer cules son los derechos que se tienen, especialmente en caso de arresto o detencià ³n. Este es un artà culo informativo. No es asesorà a legal.
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Conduct an empirical investigation of an area of your choice using Essay
Conduct an empirical investigation of an area of your choice using data from the Understanding Society survey - Essay Example The higher the person is satisfied from his job the higher is the performance. Such responses received from the surveys forced the business leaders to develop processes and procedure to make the employee satisfied with his job. The job satisfaction is also called the employee satisfaction and staff morale. This represents the attitude of the employee with regards to the work place (place of employment). The managers who want to make their employees happy about their jobs need to follow the determinants of job satisfaction. The processes must start from the planning phase till the actual job starts. The managers must plan the job in a way that it is beneficial for the organization as well as for the employee; the planning will help to promote the job satisfaction (Bhuvanaiah & Raya, 2014). Opportunity (to use skills and abilities): The capabilities of a person (male or female) must be understood by the supervisor/manager. The person must be recognized for his or her achievements. This will help build motivation for the employee in way that he feels his/her talent is being appreciated. Job Security: In the time of recession the companies cut their cost by reducing the employees. The employees left in the organization feel in secure about their presence and feel de motivated. In 2013 the employment rate globally was 7.9%. In the previous year 2012 the employment rate was 8.3%, the fall in the rate show that a part of the labor force was reduced globally due to recession. When the employees are secure and sure about their jobs, they work better which results in higher performance. Compensation: Employees are motivated if they get handsome amount of pay, the managers must focus on providing the bonuses and raises to employees for their effective and efficient working. This will help to improve the performance of the employee and the organization on the whole. The section of the paper is related to the past writings and theories that reflect the significant
Monday, February 3, 2020
Should Workers be Allowed to Go on Strike Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Should Workers be Allowed to Go on Strike - Essay Example Workers strive to achieve their basic rights in the service industry and can use different techniques to persuade the authorities to provide them with these rights. Striking is one form of the persuasion techniques used by the workers to get their rights. In the garment industry, the workers should be allowed to go on strike for the reasons. Workers tend to go on strikes to persuade the authorities into their demands. Some argue that these workers tend to use these strikes in an unfavorable manner, and the strikes should be stopped. However, a worker thinks of this instance â€Å"What if my daily wage was low enough that I could not even feed my family?†In simple words, if the workers are not paid enough to meet their needs then they should at least have a right to appeal against injustice. Strikes allow the workers to appeal to the authorities regarding any of the issues that they face in the workplace. This further shows that workers have a weaker side if the authorities fo rced to implement a decision which is unjust. The strikes can only provide a way to the workers so that they can force the authorities to reconsider their decisions.
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Reflection on Sending US Troops to Iraq
Reflection on Sending US Troops to Iraq Why The U.S. Should Leave Iraq. We have been in Iraq since President George Bush launched the invasion on Iraq in March 2003. Since then the war the U.S. has spent about seven hundred million dollars. While we still are in fighting to try to rebuild Iraq when we should be trying to save the U.S. from the down fall of our own economy since March of last year. From the National Priorities Project website I found this chart that shows the cost by year the money we are spending on the war in Iraq as well as Afghanistan. Another reason why staying in Iraq is just a bad idea, as John Weiss states, â€Å"We face a paradox in Iraq: the longer we stay, the stronger our enemies become. We cannot defeat either the insurgency or the civil war resulting from our invasion and occupation; in fact, both have grown stronger. Nor can we protect the Iraqis we came to save. A corrupt Iraqi government wastes the billions we have allocated for rebuilding, while the middle class flees to avoid the danger. The Pentagon trains Iraqis to fight, but we may well be training the army of our future enemies.†(Weiss) The longer we are there the more the people there will learn how to hurt the U.S. learn the ways to operate our own military forces. The longer we leave our troops the longer the people of Iraq have time to see what we do in the middle of war. The longer we stay the longer our nation stays unprotected, think about it we have all these troops across seas fighting when and if there is another terrorist attack we in a way have our shields down. It will take longer for us to get prepared or try to reassemble what just happened. Also I ask the question why are we sending more troops? Costing the nation more money, endangering the lives of more Americans? If we are doing what needs to be done and we are doing our job why send more? If they are fighting back harder than we are wasting our time trying to save a lost cause. Hurting our own nation to support a country just so oil prices will drop seems to be a little much some would say. Like Cenk Uygur says. â€Å"If were doing well, its because of the extra troops so we shouldnt pull them out. If were doing poorly, obviously we need more troops. Either way, we need more troops and need to stay in Iraq longer. This supposition is obvious nonsense, yet were taking it seriously.†( Uygur) On the other hand I guess you could say a reason why we should stay in Iraq is, by leaving our troops in Iraq and leave a few there set up a base to watch over operations of what is going on. In one article Marcus Fryman puts it, â€Å"You see, some people are just incapable of thinking long term. In the grand scheme of things, its better to keep US troops in Iraq just so theyll be ready to enter into combat operations in Iran. I mean, doesnt it seem pointless bringing them all the way back home only to deploy them back onto the streets of Tehran a month later?†(Fryman) Plus it could have the opportunity to set up more jobs in the future. Have you ever heard of the term PTSD (Posttraumatic Stress Disorder)? It is defined as a severe anxiety disorder can develop after exposure to any event which results in psychological trauma. This event may involve the threat of death to oneself or to someone else, or to ones own or someone elses physical, sexual, or psychological integrity, overwhelming the individuals psychological defenses. Symptoms include re-experiencing original trauma, by means of flashbacks or nightmares; avoidance of stimuli associated with the trauma; and increased arousal, such as difficulty falling or staying asleep, anger. Formal diagnostic criteria require that the symptoms last more than one month and cause significant impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning, meaning trying to fit back into society or trying to get back to work after experience PTSD. In a test given to 2525 soldiers returning from a year-long tour in Iraq, 124 (4.9%) reported injuries with loss of co nsciousness, 260 (10.3%) reported injuries with altered mental status, and 435 (17.2%) reported other injuries during deployment. Of those reporting loss of consciousness, 43.9% met criteria for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), as compared with 27.3% of those reporting altered mental status, 16.2% with other injuries, and 9.1% with no injury. Soldiers with mild traumatic brain injury, primarily those who had loss of consciousness, were significantly more likely to report poor general health, missed workdays, medical visits, and a high number of somatic and post concussive symptoms than were soldiers with other injuries. However, after adjustment for PTSD and depression, mild traumatic brain injury was no longer significantly associated with these physical health outcomes or symptoms, except for headache. I found a story about a soldier call him Mr. K, a 38-year-old National Guard soldier, was assessed in an outpatient psychiatric clinic several months after he returned home fr om a 12-month deployment to the Sunni Triangle in Iraq, where he had his first exposure to combat in his 10 years of National Guard duty. Before deployment, he worked successfully as an automobile salesman, was a happily married father with children ages 10 and 12 years, and was socially outgoing with a large circle of friends and active in civic and church activities. While in Iraq, he had extensive combat exposure. His platoon was heavily shelled and was ambushed on many occasions, often resulting in death or injury to his buddies. He was a passenger on patrols and convoys in which roadside bombs destroyed vehicles and wounded or killed people with whom he had become close. He was aware that he had killed a number of enemy combatants, and he feared that he may also have been responsible for the deaths of civilian bystanders. He blamed himself for being unable to prevent the death of his best friend, who was shot by a sniper. When asked about the worst moment during his deployment, he readily stated that it occurred when he was unable to intercede, but only to watch helplessly, while a small group of Iraqi women and children were killed in the crossfire during a particularly bloody assault. Since returning home, he has been anxious, irritable, and on edge most of the time. He has become preoccupied with concerns about the personal safety of his family, keeping a loaded 9-mm pistol with him at all times and under his pillow at night. Sleep has been difficult, and when sleep occurs, it has often been interrupted by vivid nightmares during which he thrashes about, kicks his wife, or jumps out of bed to turn on the lights. His children complained that he has become so overprotective that he will not let them out of his sight. His wife reported that he has been emotionally distant since his return. She also believed that driving the car had become dangerous when he is a passenger because he has sometimes reached over suddenly to grab the steering wheel because he thinks he has seen a roadside bomb. His friends have wearied of inviting him to social gatherings because he has consistently turned down all invitations to get together. His employer, who has patiently supported him, has reported that his work has suffered dramatically, that he seems preoccupied with his own thoughts and irritable with customers, that he often makes mistakes, and that he has not functioned effectively at the automobile dealership where he was previously a top salesman. Mr. K acknowledged that he has changed since his deployment. He reported that he sometimes experiences strong surges of fear, panic, guilt, and despair and that at other times he has felt emotionally dead, unable to return the love and warmth of family and friends. Life has become a terrible burden. Although he has not been actively suicidal, he reported that he sometimes thinks everyone would be better off if he had not survived his tour in Iraq. Do we want more troops coming back with things like t his happening when they do not even what our help anymore? Is it worth it? I find myself asking the same question. With everything going on here in the United States I do not think we have the money and are running out of the resources to keep fighting a battle that just may be already lost. By pulling out bring most of our troops home back their families, saves lives, and makes a stronger nation. We can keep some troops there you know a small base let our presents be known. I think we need to keep an eye on them, but this fighting for lost cause just needs to end. Sources. Weiss, John. Why We Should Leave Iraq Now. History News Network. 10-9-06 . Uygur, Cenk. Three Reasons Why We Should Leave Iraq. Mo Rocca 180. 4-10-2008 . Cost of War. National Priorities Project . 2008 . Fryman, Marcus. 10 Reasons Why US Troops Should Stay in Iraq. Marcus Frymans 10 reasons why. 2-27-2009 . Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in U.S. Soldiers Returning from Iraq. The New England Journal of Medicine. January 31, 2008 . Friedman, Matthew. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Among Military Returnees From Afghanistan and Iraq. Treatment in Psychiatry. 4, April 2006 .
Friday, January 17, 2020
Nursing: Academic Degree and Emergency Room Nurse Essay
Did you know that the Civil War had an effect on nursing jobs for women? According to Karen J. Egenes, the volunteer nurses of the Civil War â€Å"changed the public’s perception of work by women outside of their homes. †There are numerous nursing jobs available to this day. Nursing jobs are always in high demand. Although some people go into this career field, not for the passion of it, but for the income, this is not a career for everyone. One type of nursing job that is important is an emergency room nurse. Emergency room nurses play an important role in the nursing industry because there can never be enough nurses in the ER. Emergency room nurses are growing in high demand. Within the next 10 years, the ER nursing industry will increase with twenty-six percent. One reason they are in high demand, is because it is becoming harder and harder to get in to see a regular doctor. Instead, you could go to the emergency room and get immediate attention. Being an emergency room nurse there are many tasks. Although you may not be doing the same thing daily, you will always be busy. Some of those tasks include, provide care for the patients coming in, monitor health conditions, administer medicine, and advising the patients and their families. To become an emergency room nurse you must have an associate’s degree in nursing, a bachelors of science in nursing, or have graduated from an approved nursing program. There are many transferable skills needed in this job. One of the main skills needed is critical thinking, because you always deal with something new, and have to think on the spot. Some other skills are compassion, being able to pay attention to detail, organization, being calm and patient, and being a good communicator. The median hourly income according to Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median hourly income in Iowa is $31. 10, and the yearly income is $64,690. Although some people go for jobs because of the income, becoming an emergency room nurse is not for everyone, and you would need to be compassionate for it. Although all nursing jobs you have to have a passion for, being a Hospice nurse takes a lot of courage. According to Asera Care, the hospice team provides medical, emotional, practical, and spiritual support to people with terminal illness, and their families. The hospice nurse provides many things for the patient and the family. As a hospice nurse, some tasks you would do are providing nursing assessments, plan and care for the patient’s comfort, and you would be with the family until the patients’ last day. Some of the transferable skills needed to go into the hospice field is being structured, independent, strong, self-directed, and caring. To become a hospice nurse, you must obtain an associate’s degree in nursing, bachelors in science of nursing, or a nursing degree. Along with having a degree of nursing, you must also have one years’ worth of nursing experience. The average salary for a hospice nurse is between thirty-one thousand, and forty-one thousand. Being a hospice nurse may be a hard job, dealing with the end of people’s lives, but in the end it is rewarding knowing that you made it better for them. A third nursing job that is available, and is in demand is a pediatric nurse. To be a pediatric nurse, you must be able to work well with kids, and young adults. You would be dealing with patients from infancy to young adulthood. Some of the daily tasks you would be doing according to Discover Nursing, are conducting checkups, giving immunizations, counseling patients and families, and helping or teaching the families of diseases or sicknesses. Although many of the nursing jobs available, you must have the same type of transferable skills, some of the skills you need to become a pediatric nurse are being structured, multifaceted, and strong. To become a pediatric nurse, you need an associate’s degree in nursing, a bachelors of science in nursing, and a pediatric nurse certification. Some of the classes that can help you pursue your dream of becoming a pediatric nurse are any type of children’s class, and children’s psychology classes. The average salary for a pediatric nurse is anywhere between $31,007 and $81,951. If you are not able to deal with little kids, and or things you have to handle with kids, being a pediatric nurse is not the career field for you. Nursing is an astounding career field to go into, that is, if it is a passionate field for you. There are many choices for the nursing field, such as an ER nurse, hospice nurse, or pediatric nurse. There are different positives and negatives in each career field. In the nursing field, I feel as if there are more positives than negatives. You’re changing somebodies life, for the better. Works Cited Asera Care. Asera Care, n. d. Web. 29 Jan. 2014. . The Campaign for Nursing’s Future. Johnson & Johnson, 10 Jan. 2014. Web. 30 Jan. 2014. . Egenes, Karen J. â€Å"History of Nursing. †History of Nursing: 6. Print. Snag a Job. N. p. , 2000. Web. 29 Jan. 2014. .
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Tiger Facts
Tigers (Panthera tigris) are the largest and most powerful of all cats. They are extremely agile despite their large size. Tigers are capable of leaping 26 to 32 feet in a single bound. They are also among the most recognizable of cats due to their distinct orange coat, black stripes, and white markings.  Tigers are native to South and Southeast Asia, China and the Russian Far East, though their habitat and numbers have dwindled rapidly. Fast Facts: Tiger Scientific Name: Panthera tigrisCommon Name: TigerBasic Animal Group: MammalSize: 3–3.5 feet tall at shoulders, 4.6–9.2 feet long including head and body, 2–3 feet tail lengthWeight: 220–675 pounds depending on sub-species and genderLifespan: 10–15 yearsDiet: CarnivoreHabitat: South and Southeast Asia, China and the Russian Far East.Population: 3,000–4,500 Conservation Status: Endangered Description Tigers vary in color, size, and markings according to their subspecies. Bengal tigers, which inhabit the forests of India, have the quintessential tiger appearance, with a dark orange coat, black stripes, and a white underbelly. Siberian tigers, the largest of all the tiger subspecies, are lighter in color and have a thicker coat that enables them to brave the harsh, cold temperatures of the Russian taiga. Gannet77/Getty Images Habitat and Distribution Tigers historically occupied a range that stretched from the eastern part of Turkey to the Tibetan plateau, Manchuria and the Sea of Okhotsk. Today, tigers occupy only about seven percent of their former range. More than half of the remaining wild tigers live in the forests of India. Smaller populations remain in China, Russia, and parts of Southeast Asia. Tigers inhabit a wide range of habitats such as lowland evergreen forests, taiga, grasslands, tropical forests, and mangrove swamps. They generally require habitat with covers such as forests or grasslands, water resources, and enough territory to support their prey. Diet Tigers are carnivores. They are nocturnal hunters that feed on large prey such as deer, cattle, wild pigs, rhinoceroses, and elephants. They also supplement their diet with smaller prey such as birds, monkeys, fish, and reptiles. Tigers also feed on carrion. Behavior Tigers are solitary, territorial cats. They occupy a home range that is generally between 200 and 1000 square kilometers. Females occupying smaller home ranges than males. Tigers often create several dens within their territory. They are not water-fearing cats; in fact, they are adept swimmers capable of crossing moderately sized rivers. As a result, water rarely poses a barrier to them. Tigers are among only four species of great cats that are capable of roaring. Reproduction and Offspring Tigers reproduce sexually. Although they are known to mate year-round, breeding usually peaks between November and April. Their gestation period is 16 weeks. A litter usually consists of between three to four cubs which are raised alone by the mother; the father plays no role in the upbringing. Tiger cubs generally leave their den with their mother at about 8 weeks old and are independent at 18 months. They stay with their mothers, however, for over two years. 4FR/Getty Images Conservation Status Tigers are listed as an endangered species. Fewer than 3,200 tigers remain in the wild. More than half of those tigers live in the forests of India. The primary threats facing tigers include poaching, habitat loss, dwindling prey populations. Although protected areas have been established for tigers, illegal killings still take place mainly for their skins and use in traditional Chinese medical practices. Although most of their historical range has been destroyed, research suggests tigers living in the Indian sub-continent are still genetically strong. This indicates that, with appropriate conservation and protection in place, tigers do have the capacity to rebound as a species. In India, it is illegal to shoot tigers or trade in their skins or other body parts. Subspecies There are five subspecies of tigers alive today and every one of these subspecies is classified as endangered. The five subspecies of tigers include Siberian tigers, Bengal tigers, Indochinese tigers, South China tigers, and Sumatran tigers. There are also three additional subspecies of tigers that have gone extinct during the past sixty years. The extinct subspecies include Caspian tigers, Javan tigers, and Bali tigers. Tigers and Humans Human beings have been fascinated by tigers for millennia. Tiger images first appeared as a cultural symbol nearly 5,000 years ago in the area now known as Pakistan. Tigers were part of the games in the Roman Colosseum.While tigers can and will attack a human being if they are threatened or unable to find food elsewhere, tiger attacks are relatively rare. Most man-eating tigers are older or incapacitated, and thus unable to chase down or overpower larger prey. Evolution Modern cats first appeared about 10.8 million years ago. The ancestors of tigers, along with those of jaguars, leopards, lions, snow leopards, and clouded leopards, split off from the other ancestral cat lineages early in the evolution of the cat family and today form what is known as the Panthera lineage. Tigers shared a common ancestor with snow leopards that lived about 840,000 years ago. Sources â€Å"Basic Facts About Tigers.† Defenders of Wildlife, 10 Jan. 2019, defenders.org/tiger/basic-facts.â€Å"Tiger Facts.† National Geographic, 2 Aug. 2015, www.nationalgeographic.com.au/animals/tiger-facts.aspx.â€Å"Where Do Tigers Live? And Other Tiger Facts.† WWF, World Wildlife Fund.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Macbeth Seminar Prep - 654 Words
Macbeth Seminar Prep 1. Macbeth’s tragic flaws and formation of catharsis are justifications of why Macbeth is a tragic hero in Shakespeares play Macbeth, instead of being a monster. The primary flaw Macbeth has as a character consists of him overtrusting people’s judgement, including the witches. The witches predict that Macbeth will become king and he believes that he will get the throne: â€Å" ‘This have I thought good to deliver thee, my dearest partner of greatness; that thou might’st not lose the dues of rejoicing, by being ignorant of what greatness is promised thee’ †. (I.v.10) Due to Macbeth’s tendency to be overtrusting towards the witches he is very naive to know how unreliable the witches are with regard to the future. Macbeth is also very gullible, because he doesn’t think of the results of his actions and he desperately wants to believe in what he hears. A second justification for him being a tragic hero is his cr eation of catharsis. He puts all of his effort into getting power just to have it taken away from him because the witches were clever with the meanings of their prophecies: â€Å"Accursed be that tongue that tells me so, / For it hath cow’d my better part of man! / And be these juggling fiends no more believed, / That palter with us in a double sense; / That keep the word of promise to our ear†(V.viii.21) Macbeth is pitied when he realizes that his trust in the witches was a foolish decision. By putting his trust in the witches, he lost everything he
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