Sunday, May 10, 2020
Love, Hate, and Temptation - 1560 Words
Love, Hate, and Temptation In March 2013, Tyler Perry released Temptation: Confessions of A Marriage Counselor. This is Perry’s 15th movie, which he both wrote and directed. This film, like all of Perry-made movie, gratifies values of the African-American church-going audience. Perry grew up in New Orleans, La. Perry’s childhood was full of hard times, but was soothed by church attendance with his mother. His father, Emmitt Perry Sr. was a carpenter. The family makeup included Perry senior’s wife, Maxine, two daughters, and two sons, one named Emmitt Tyler Perry Jr. As a young boy, Emmitt Jr. witnessed an abusive father who continually beat his mother, his brother and his sisters, and also Emmitt Jr. Family drama was something constant in young Emmitt Jr.’s life. Growing up in poverty only added to the family’s hardships. Eventually the physical abuse from Emmitt Sr. became so tragically violent that Emmitt Jr. considered killing his father and even considered killing hims elf. Deciding that he could no longer take the abuse of his father on his family, Emmitt Jr. left home. The domestic violence that occurred in his youth made him severely depressed as a teenager. As an adult, Perry watched The Oprah Winfrey Show and in a recent interview, said he remembered watching an episode discussing the therapeutic nature of writing. That inspired him to begin writing, and he worked through his bad experiences by writing letters to himself. He adapted his letters into a play, IShow MoreRelated The Temptations. Essay550 Words  | 3 Pagesnostalgic trance from the lyrics. The type of lyrics that can convey the reader into the past, present, or future time. The Temptations has mastered this talent. From their time to the present day, the Temptation’s music can still be looked upon in the 21st Century culture. They became soul writers and masters of touching inner emotions that listeners held. 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