Friday, May 22, 2020
The Most Dangerous Game And Porphyrias Lover Analysis
While some stories are nice and happy â€Å"The Most Dangerous Game†and â€Å"Porphyria’s Lover†are not like that. They are about murder. The characters think what they are doing is for everyones well being and that this is normal, but really as the reader we can see that in no way is that normal. The authors use obsession to show man vs. man, man vs. nature and man vs. society. Browning and Connell use conflict to convey that trusting someone may lead to a negative outcome, that can show ones true intentions. The authors use man vs. man to show obsession. In the most dangerous game Rainsford and General Zaroff are in a hunt. Ransford is the game and the general is the hunter. This is a man vs. man conflict because two people are against each†¦show more content†¦Rainsfords’ surroundings are harsh and it is hard for him to overcome his obstacles and win again General Zaroff. â€Å"Dusk came, then darkness, and still he pressed on. The ground grew softer under his moccasins; the vegetation grew ranker, denser; insects bit him savagely.†This is showing how hard it was for Whitney to get through this jungle that General Zaroff has put on his Island. For Porphyria’s lover he has to attempt to get to her while she is alone and with out beget through to be with her. â€Å"The rain set early in tonight, The sullen wind was soon awake,... She shut the cold out and the stom,†This shows that through the setting we can see that they’re relationship is har d. It is not easy for them to be together. In the stories, the authors use man vs. society to show what conflicts there are in the world that keep people from doing what they want good or bad. In The Most Dangerous Game, Rainsford knows of the island he is about to be trapped on. He knows that you don’t want to be on it. Once he reaches the island he starts to think it’s not too bad, then he finds that The General is hunting humans. The General thinks this is totally ok and is upset with society for not accepting him. â€Å"‘Hunting? General Zaroff, what you speak of is murder.’ The general laughed with entire good nature. He regarded Rainsford quizzically. ‘I refuse to believe that so modern and civilized a young man as you seem to be harbors
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Love, Hate, and Temptation - 1560 Words
Love, Hate, and Temptation In March 2013, Tyler Perry released Temptation: Confessions of A Marriage Counselor. This is Perry’s 15th movie, which he both wrote and directed. This film, like all of Perry-made movie, gratifies values of the African-American church-going audience. Perry grew up in New Orleans, La. Perry’s childhood was full of hard times, but was soothed by church attendance with his mother. His father, Emmitt Perry Sr. was a carpenter. The family makeup included Perry senior’s wife, Maxine, two daughters, and two sons, one named Emmitt Tyler Perry Jr. As a young boy, Emmitt Jr. witnessed an abusive father who continually beat his mother, his brother and his sisters, and also Emmitt Jr. Family drama was something constant in young Emmitt Jr.’s life. Growing up in poverty only added to the family’s hardships. Eventually the physical abuse from Emmitt Sr. became so tragically violent that Emmitt Jr. considered killing his father and even considered killing hims elf. Deciding that he could no longer take the abuse of his father on his family, Emmitt Jr. left home. The domestic violence that occurred in his youth made him severely depressed as a teenager. As an adult, Perry watched The Oprah Winfrey Show and in a recent interview, said he remembered watching an episode discussing the therapeutic nature of writing. That inspired him to begin writing, and he worked through his bad experiences by writing letters to himself. He adapted his letters into a play, IShow MoreRelated The Temptations. Essay550 Words  | 3 Pagesnostalgic trance from the lyrics. The type of lyrics that can convey the reader into the past, present, or future time. The Temptations has mastered this talent. From their time to the present day, the Temptation’s music can still be looked upon in the 21st Century culture. They became soul writers and masters of touching inner emotions that listeners held. The Temptations were a group of individuals that represented their culture in time. The smooth lead vocalist to, to the brawny brick toned baritoneRead MoreFood For Thought, By Franz Kafka854 Words  | 4 Pagesthe same meaning anymore and lose their value. It is also a symbol of motherly love. His sister has now taken on the role of caretaker for him and in essence become his mother. The next time that food plays a part in the story is in the scene where Gregor’s sister, Grete, having found that he has left the milk untouched, brings him several different kinds of food for him to try to eat(469). This is a pure symbol of love that Grete has for her brother, despite the fact that he has changed and is nowRead MoreThe Friday Sermon On Salvation1473 Words  | 6 Pagessignificance of salvation. As a result, most Christians like the ones in Quebec refuse to know the word of God and openly show hatred towards God and Christian religion. Why do they hate Christianity? Because they think that God predestined everything including the evil- that is why they hate God. But most of all they hate God because they live their life governed by their own sinful desire and they encourage others also to continue living in their sinful desire. The Bible says, for although they knewRead MoreThe Metamorphosis By Franz Kafka870 Words  | 4 Pagesthe same meaning anymore and lose their value. It is also a symbol of motherly love. His sister has now taken on the role of caretaker for him and in essence become his mother. The next time that food plays a part in the story is in the scene where Gregor’s sister, Grete, having found that he has left the milk untouched, brings him several different kinds of food for him to try to eat(469). 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I made a choice not to agree with lies and eventually the temptation to believe in depression stopped. I had to fight, sometimes VIOLENTLY, to remember who God is, that He is light, that He is good, that He encourages and comforts and provides. And when I know who God is I can also identify His enemy, evil, and turnRead More Tennysons Merlin and Vivien Essay1646 Words  | 7 Pagesagony wherever she goes. Being the agent of death itself- born from death was I/ Among the dead and sown upon the wind (ll. 44-45), she malevolently destroys hope and innocent love. Similarly, she is viewed as the cause of Merlins destruction (Kincaid 183). Love if love be perfect/ casts out fear./So hate, if hate be perfect/ casts out fear (ll. 140-41) Thus she is described as the element of pure hatred and deceit and can be paralleled to Delilah and Eve (Hellstrom 117). 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Membership in the field of counseling Free Essays
The discipline of mental health has had a long history of challenges and controversies. In the past decade we have seen an active progress in the way mental health professionals have been recognized and clearly identified as a separate discipline from psychiatry or clinical counseling. Moreover, legislations to promote the welfare of mental health counselors have been lobbied for as well as setting up standards for education, training, certification and practice of the profession. We will write a custom essay sample on Membership in the field of counseling or any similar topic only for you Order Now One of the most active proponent for the professionalizing of the mental health discipline is the American Mental Health Counselors Association, the organization have enabled the setting up of a professional organization exclusively for mental health counselors, the setting up of a national certification program for mental health counselors, the accreditation of educational institutions that provide training in mental health education and the setting up of a national system of state licensure (Messina, 1999). The AMHCA have become the primary voice of all mental health professionals in the country and it continues to work for the betterment of the profession and to protect those who are engaged in the counseling profession. As a mental health student, I realized that it is important to join professional organizations not just for certification or to meet licensing requirements. I believe that professional organizations are like the federal government that oversees the conduct of the profession and sets ethical guidelines and standards of practice much in the same way that the government upholds the constitution. Becoming a member of a professional organization would give me a clear direction of what my professional responsibilities are and what limitations I need to be aware of, it would also help me delineate the services that I can offer to my clients given the kind of training and education that I have. It also would keep me abreast of the recent developments in the mental health discipline; it provides trainings and workshops, research funding and a stable support group for the mental health counselor. One of the objectives of the AMHCA (2004) is to work with educational institutions that provide mental health counselor training and to make sure that the curriculum is aligned with the core competencies and skills that a mental health counselor should have even before seeking professional recognition. This is important because it would ensure the standardization of the counselor education and thus makes it possible that all mental health counselors are equipped with the necessary skills to give quality services to their clients. According to Messina (1999), only a small proportion of educational institutions have been accredited by the organization, in the long run this would mean that few mental health graduates would be qualified to become mental health counselors as required by AMHCA. If fewer counselors seek to be accredited or certified, then the professional integrity of the practitioners will deteriorate. This is an important issue to look into since the kind of services and the quality of the client-counselor relationship is dependent on how well-trained and equipped the counselors are to meet the needs of the client. We all know that the efficacy of the counselor in helping the client resolve his/her issues is dependent on the counseling plan that counselor draws up for the client. It takes a certain degree of skill and theoretical knowledge to be able to deal with different clients and it is the responsibility of the counselor to always uphold what is best for the client. It is therefore important to come up with a legislation that would require all educational institutions to seek accreditation from the AMHCA (2004) to further the mental health profession. References American Mental Health Counselors Association found at Messina, J. (1999). What’s next for the profession of mental health counseling? Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 21; 3, 285. Retrieved on October 17, 2007 from Academic Premier Search database.  How to cite Membership in the field of counseling, Essay examples
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